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About Us

Our Story

Founded in 2014, Transglobe Interior has since grown into one of the most sought-after interior design companies around. This has only been possible due to a trifecta of principles that the entire team lives and breathes by -Integrity. Impression. Innovation.

When you hire Transglobe Interior, you are not just hiring an interior designer. You are hiring a wealth of experience and a trusted friend. You are hiring someone who believes in executing his or her duties with pride and passion.

The design process is a complicated one, at times even tenuous. This is why our values have shone a guiding light that grounds us to our roots throughout each and every project we have undertaken through the years. Each project is a unique one, and to be successful, needs to be treated with the attention it demands. From initial conceptualization and brainstorming to gathering and manufacturing materials, knocking down walls and erecting structures, and finally completing the polishing end touches, Transglobe Interior never wavers on its principles

Integrity is a big one, for it eases doubts and concerns for the client and assures him or her that they are getting the best they can get. The impression is key, too. With most things in life, we only get one chance to impress, and we build to impress. Innovation allows us to navigate through the project with agility and nimbleness, as we are able to capitalize on technology to provide project efficiency.

If what we have said has struck a chord with you, do not hesitate to 
drop us an inquiry. Coffee’s on us!

Meet Our


When I first started Transglobe Interior, I was driven not by profit margins or the allure of entrepreneurship. Rather, I was inspired by a very simple value – empathy. From momentous occasions like buying their first residential home to strategic business ventures and opening a new retail shop, I put myself in their shoes and formed my business around providing the best design and build solutions. I am really glad that this belief has trickled down to my team, and each and every one of them are inspired and passionate to constantly outperform and go above and beyond for our customers. In particular, Transglobe Interior believes in the value of the initial impression and that we only have one chance to impress. All our design works reflect that fervent belief.

Image by NordWood Themes
Image by NordWood Themes

Our Dream Factory

Our in-house factory is the building block that supports all our projects. By having autonomy over the build and manufacturing process, Transglobe Interior is best able to help translate your dreams into reality.

From corporate and retail interior spaces to custom built-in fixtures for residential homes, they are all built in this facility, which also houses our office. Till date, this space has seen expansion 3 times – it began as a humble 4,500 sqft factory and office facility to a present 23,000 sqft one.

Investing in our factory space has allowed us to gain sizeable economies of scale in the build process, meaning we can cut costs while improving quality. We currently have more than 50 in-house skilled carpenters and workers, on top of our office staff. In addition, we are able to harness this space and its machinery to collaborate with partners and sub-contractors from different trades.

Transglobe Interior is also an avid believer in innovative technology, and has invested in machinery and technology to further improve our build process over the years.

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